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Búsqueda por autor: Marceca, Ernesto.
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Matter and molecules : a broader and deeper view of chemical thermodynamics

Roberto J. Fernandez-Prini, Ernesto Marceca, Horacio Roberto Corti.

1ra ed.

Buenos Aires : Cognella, ©2019.

351 págs. : ilustraciones ; 26 cm.

ISBN: 9781516527540

Resumen: Matter and Molecules: A Broader and Deeper View of Chemical Thermodynamics provides students with an interdisciplinary exploration of physical chemistry. Students learn critical concepts of physical chemistry with special emphasis on application to other areas of science. Instead of presenting a narrow, specialized view of physical and biological phenomena, the text provides a broader, global view, highlighting the problems and scenarios that must be faced and understood by chem

Registro 018999 · Modificado: 18/12/2019

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